Painting The golfers at St. Andrews

About this artwork
Read painting The Golfers was bought by the print seller Alexander Hill for £400. He hired the highly skilled printmaker Wagstaff to engrave it, and the print appeared in 1850. Hill’s profit from the engraving, which was produced in large numbers, would have been handsome and much higher than the amount Lees received for the painting.
Today, copies of this famous print can be found in the
Clubhouses of famous golf clubs around the world.

Updated before 2020
Charles Edward Wagstaff (1808–1850) English

The Golfers – A great match in St Andrews – [GROEP]

Published in 1850

Charles Lees (1800–1880) Scottish

Dotted and line engraving on paper

52.50 x 86.00 cm (framed: 86.90 x 116.80 x 2.60 cm)