On 25 January 2017, the Netherlands Golf Museum received the above painting from 1924 on loan from Robin Bargmann.

From left to right:

  • Arnaud Massy, the famous French golfer and first foreign winner of the British Open in 1907;
  • Jean Gassiat, well-known French golf professional;
  • Jos van Dijk, professional of the Doornsche GC (now UGC De Pan);
  • and the best Dutch pre-war professional golfer Gerry del Court van Krimpen, the best pre-war Dutch golf amateur.

The painting was made by the German artist Victor Cleve and is based on a combination of two original photo images on the occasion of the official opening of the new golf course and clubhouse of the Haagsche Golf Club in 1924. Pictured in the background is the clubhouse and in the foreground the four participants of an exhibition competition. The competition was won by the Dutch duo.

Robin Bargmann, golf historian and author of the book Serendipity of Early Golf (2010)