On 23 February 2022, Janelle van der Torren-Gerritsen, board member of the Rosendaelsche Golfclub, handed over the beautiful Jubilee book “From Heide to Holes” to chairman John Ott of the Dutch Golf Museum.
This very extensive yearbook gives a unique overview of the 125th anniversary of the Rosendaelsche Golfclub in Arnhem (1895 – 2020). And of course gets a prominent place in the Jubilee books section of the library of the Dutch Golf Museum. Also see:
Bibliotheek rubriek 13 – Jubileumboeken Golfclubs – Nederlands golfmuseum
Of course Janelle was given an extensive tour of the golf museum and she was certainly impressed by what she saw. But special attention was paid to the special bag and stick in the display case Del Court van Krimpen. Aalbrecht Del Court van Krimpen was the third chairman of the Rosendaelsche Golfclub from 1908 to 1923.
And those are again of those facts that you can read in the donated anniversary book.