Surabaja Golf Cup (1938)
The Surabaya Golf Cup is a cup of the 1938 Men’s Foursomes competition of the Soerabaya Golf Club, won by G.C.J.T Kruythof and J.R. Hogerzeil.
In 2007 the cup was made available to the Utrechtse Reünisten Golf (U.S.C. Reünisten Golf) by Zus Wit-Hogerzeil, daughter of J.R. Hogerzeil and since then there has been an annual competition for this cup in September during the IGW (Indisch Golf Weekend) at the Hattemse GCC.
The cup was originally in the possession of Sister White and served her in the camp in the Dutch East Indies where she stayed as a food bowl during the war.
Her wife was Ab Wit, a general practitioner in Wageningen and in 1947 a well-known person within the Utrecht Student Corps, as a member of the Old Four, which had won the Varsity.
Ab was not a golfer. Jaap Aukema of the U.S.C., with whom Zus and Ab were in regular contact, was. During one of their conversations, the question arose as to what Sister should do with this cup.
After some deliberation – there was quite an emotional component to it for her – she decided to make the cup available as a prize to the Utrecht Reunion Golf in 2007.
Jaap Aukema won the cup and is the first winner of the cup. Jaap had won before, but that cup wasn’t there yet. For the first time, the wooden board was also placed under the cup, on which the name plates of the winners are placed.
The Surabaja Golf Cup is part of the exhibition “Golf in the former Dutch East Indies”.
Received on loan from the Indisch Golf Weekend (IGW).