The Dutch Golf Museum experienced a memorable moment.Ferd Vrijmoed of the museum board, together with Dirk Jan Vink of golf course Bleijenbeek, received from Frans Fiolet the flag of the Masters 2015 with the signature of Joost Luiten, our best golfer...
Geert and Sara Nijs have delighted the Nederlands Golfmuseum with a special donation: a Club de Crosse with five choulettes and a sac au crocket (circa 1900). Or a stick with balls from the jeu de crosse, also called chole. ...
Daan Slooter, director of KLM Open and member of DE 144, has donated part of his KLM Open collection to the Netherlands Golf Museum. In 1978, Daan, eleven years old, kept the scoreboard during the Dutch Open. The following year he ran as a caddie. He has kept all the...
On Saturday 11 March 2017, a delegation from the Amsterdam Golf Club visited the Dutch Golf Museum. v.l.n.r. Harm Raymans, Pieter Kroon, John Ott, Gerard Jol, Ferd Vrijmoed, Geert Jan Bakker, Theo van Diem, Geert Janssen, Jelle Timmenga, Gert Kuit The museum was...
On Saturday 18 March 2017, the Netherlands Golf Museum received three tiles from the private collection of Piet Tichelaar made in the renowned ceramics factory of Koninklijke Tichelaar Makkum (1572) from Ad de Vries. Tile 1: 1640-1660 golfer; edge motif Wan-Li Tile 2:...
Peter Marsden, oud R.A.F. piloot, gehuwd met een Nederlandse vrouw, is de zoon van wijlen R.W. Marsden. Hij vond na het overlijden van zijn vader een zolder vol oude golfstokken, alle voorzien van bijzondere kenmerken. Helaas niet met jaartallen, maar dat wordt...