Maria Vrijmoed donates golf postage stamps

Maria Vrijmoed, a volunteer at the golf museum, also made a donation to the golf museum. A sheet of golf stamps from an inheritance. Two years ago, she and her husband made their entrance at St Andrews, at a meeting of The European Association of Golf Historians &...

Dutch Hickory Tour Order Of Merit 2018

The Dutch Hickory Tour 2018 Order of Merit is based on the total of a minimum, and when played more the best, of 4 scores of the 7 tournaments. The large number of participating gentlemen led to the decision to add a Gents Net Merit: Rank 1 Peter Scholz and Rank 2...

Antique Clique and Kolf Balls

An old Dutch saying goes like this. “He has clique and ball”. This means that he has everything he needs. This saying comes from the pump sport. Kolf is played with a Kolfstok called “Kolf” or “Kliek” and a ball. Since November...

Golf bag by Gerrit van der Wal

On 24 October 2018, Ferd Vrijmoed received a golf bag with golf sticks from Victor Veldhuijzen van Zantem on behalf of the Nederlands Golfmuseum from the legacy of Gerrit van der Wal, (among others) former president-director of KLM 1965-1973....

Robin Bargmann’s Sunday sticks

        They are not made to play golf with them. If you take a cursory look at the Sunday sticks, which, thanks to Robin Bargmann, have recently been displayed in the Nederlands Golf Museum, you get the impression that they are antique golf clubs. Until you discover...