Donations in kind
Perhaps you still have an old golf bag in the attic and some historic golf sticks or a collection of old balls. Perhaps you own a ball press, a won cup or an antique portrait or painting with a golf scene that you would like to entrust to the Dutch Golf Museum.
From a golf historical point of view, these may contain interesting objects that are important for the Dutch Golf Museum. For example, because they form a missing link in the development of the sport or tell a story about golf in the Low Countries in the past. But recent golf objects can also be more than worth a place in the museum.
The Dutch Golf Museum will carefully manage your donation so that future generations can enjoy it.
For more information about the possibilities, please contact the chairman of the Netherlands Golf Museum Foundation John Ott (06 2240 9396).
Even after your death you can mean a lot to the golf museum by including the Dutch Golf Museum in your will. No inheritance tax has to be paid on an inheritance to our foundation.
Aleid Kemper was a golf journalist and regulation expert and owned a great collection of special golf objects. During several visits by her to the Dutch Golf Museum, her collection was discussed and she said she knew of no better place for it than in the golf museum. She passed away at the beginning of this year and has enriched the golf museum with a beautiful museum treasure, including the above painting from 1918.
The Netherlands Golf Museum Foundation has been designated by the Tax Authorities as a Cultural Public Benefit Institution (ANBI). The ANBI status offers tax benefits for both the institution and the donor.
The ANBI status has a publication obligation to provide insight into the foundation. You can find the appropriate documents and information about Anbi on our website The foundation – Nederlands golfmuseum
Quote Albert Bloemendaal:
“I am of the age to put things that are valuable elsewhere. Now I can decide for myself. When I’m gone, others will go over it and you don’t know where they’ll end up.”
Overview of current donations
The donations to the Netherlands Golf Museum Foundation in recent years are shown below. Big thanks to all!!!
Donation of 300 golf books strengthens library
The Dutch Golf Museum received no less than 300 golf books from Paul Roos, from his webshop Paul thought the golf museum deserved its...
Society of Sports Friends DE 144 donates Masters flag
The Dutch Golf Museum experienced a memorable moment.Ferd Vrijmoed of the museum board, together with Dirk Jan Vink of golf course...
Donation Club de Crosse by Geert and Sara Nijs
Geert and Sara Nijs have delighted the Nederlands Golfmuseum with a special donation: a Club de Crosse with five choulettes and a sac au crocket...
KLM Open memorabilia
Daan Slooter, director of KLM Open and member of DE 144, has donated part of his KLM Open collection to the Netherlands Golf Museum. In 1978, Daan,...
Amsterdam Golf Club
On Saturday 11 March 2017, a delegation from the Amsterdam Golf Club visited the Dutch Golf Museum. v.l.n.r. Harm Raymans, Pieter Kroon, John Ott,...
Royal Tichelaar Makkum
On Saturday 18 March 2017, the Netherlands Golf Museum received three tiles from the private collection of Piet Tichelaar made in the renowned...
Golf clubs of Peter Marsden
Peter Marsden, oud R.A.F. piloot, gehuwd met een Nederlandse vrouw, is de zoon van wijlen R.W. Marsden. Hij vond na het overlijden van...
Mister Golf buggy now in golf museum
Robby Van Erven Dorens, also known as Mister Golf, has donated his golf cart to the Dutch Golf Museum. On Saturday, March 18, 2017, John Ott...
Presentation flag Masters 2015
The Dutch Golf Museum experienced a memorable moment. Ferd Vrijmoed of the museum board, together with Dirk Jan Vink of golf course Bleijenbeek,...
Ramon van Wingerden (NGF) donates medal to golf museum
Ramon van Wingerden, Manager Sports Development NGF, organized a golf exhibition in the Hague Historical Museum in 2014 in honor of the 100th...